rain then sun, and almond blossom already???

going up!
2013-02-08 16.36.16
quite slowly though


things are moving on with the house – the builder’s are happy in the rain and the cold, which is excellent. 

rain and cold

i wasn’t as happy in the cold and rain having arrived from barcelona alone on a day when i really would have liked company. but i got the supplies for the drainage ordered – a truck of gravel, plastic sheeting, the all important tube and some very un-eco tar paint that i will use as an extra waterproof layer. it will arrive on monday. they say. i looked into the eco options from redverde.es but they were the ones who told me to buy the plastic from a normal building shop (biodegradable material isn’t really what you want as your protection from damp) and the tar paint is an example of using a small amount of the most effective material available in order to build something that lasts longer. I must remember to ask if the plastic materials are from recycled plastic – many of the builsing supplies are.

instead of digging i holed up in the library – so warm – and considered sleeping there or going back to barcelona but then got my act together and headed to pinell de brai to go to a meeting of the Cooperativa Integral Catalana. They came all the way out here for a weekend meeting to learn about an eco farmer in the area who wants to get more people involved, and to discuss production in general. This is one of my top 5 groups in barcelona, it was an honour to be able to join them and unfortunately my first contact was to be actually falling asleep in the meeting on friday evening when i was completely unexpectedly put on the spot and asked to explain the project.

I’ve written in more detail about the meeting here (coming soon)

here are some foraging photos and general sunshine to share with you from saturday

picking rocket at mel's place
picking rocket at mel’s place
a nice surprise on a rainy february visit
a nice surprise at boodaville on a rainy february visit
wild rocket collected at mel's
wild rocket collected at mel’s
wild asparagus collected at mel's
wild asparagus collected at mel’s

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